anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?
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Author:  Ghostly [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Boiling peanuts...
Say 2 gallons of peanuts to water ratio?
Or any peanuts to water ratio?
I herd 1 guy try to tell me how but it was one of them conversations to many beers +my A.D.D I only remember him saying bring seasoned water to a boil for so long then kill the fire let soak, bring back to boil , let soak, bring back to boil let look a squirrel!....
Idk where our conversation Went...
Any pointers?

Author:  JD145 [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Alot of salt. Other than that just boil them until they are as soft as you want them. Don't overthink it, make sure its enough water that you don't run out that's all. Where you get peanuts to boil right now? The best are green peanuts fresh out of the dirt. Don't forget the salt!

Author:  Russ [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Worked for mine.

Author:  Ghostly [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Yea green peanuts, I was going to look around for peanuts ...I know they are a late summer crop..
But maybe I can find dry peanuts an soak them...had the craving for some good boiled peanuts.

Author:  krazo [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

You won't find any peanuts to boil right now. Haha. Best you can do is get some from the store in the can. But for future reference all you need is a pot , fire, salt and young nuts. Boil till they fit your taste. The more mature the nut the worse the stick in the shell.

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Author:  da go get'er [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Boil a sack and put in freezer in single serving size bags. Make good snacks for the rest of the year

Author:  LB200 [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Green peanuts for sure and smaller ones are better in my opinion. I have helped my buddy do it and he does a couple bushels a year or more. It takes a lot of salt, about 3 containers of Mortons per bushel which is over 3 pounds

Author:  Ghostly [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Got it..thanks fellas

Author:  jc [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

You can boil dry peanuts, it's not a problem. It just takes a lot longer. Get some dry raw peanuts and put them in some water the day before you want to boil them and put something on top of them to keep them in the water. The next day add some salt and more water to keep them covered. Bring them to a simmer or slow boil and keep it going for around 6 to 8 hours or until peanuts are as soft as you like them. The way to tell how much salt is to add salt to the water and mix it well, then taste the water. When you get the water as salty as you like your peanuts leave it alone. If you get too much salt then you can drain off some water , then add some fresh water back to bring down the salt. I have boiled hundreds of pounds of peanuts and you don't have to use green ones, they just cook faster because they still have a lot of water content in them. If you use dry ones it just takes longer to get the water back in them. The people who boil them for sale might say they are green but I guarantee you most of them are using dry. There is a big difference in the price.

Author:  jc [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

I usually boil a 25 pound sack at a time in an old beer keg that I made into a cooker and use 2 pounds of salt.

Author:  krazo [ Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: anyone can tell me the basics of boiling peanuts?

Jc is spot on you can boil dry old peanuts but they ain't the same. Like I said you would be better off buying out of the can now and waiting till the new crop comes for fresh then get a bunch and put them up. We usually pull a bunch before they dig and boil em up and put in vacuum bags for football games. But I guess when every field around the house you drive by has nuts planted in them it's not that big of a deal.

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