Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And Out Lies
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Author:  rangerp [ Thu May 11, 2017 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And Out Lies ... EZrexsLs4I

Watch the clip and see libs flip flop like fish out of water on Comey.

It is fun to watch libs lie through their teeth to the ignorant masses. Comey was not leading an investigation against Trump and some made up Trump-Russia Connection.

Comey did not request additional funds to investigate Trump and some made-up tie with the Russians.

Notice libs never got stirred up when Clinton fired the head of the FBI (days prior to the Vince Foster suicide).

Liberals lie, they lie all the time, they lie about everything.

Author:  rangerp [ Thu May 11, 2017 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And OUt Lies

FAKE NEWS: Acting FBI Director Says No New Funding Requested For Trump-Russia Probe Before Comey Firing ... nk-berrien

Author:  flint87 [ Thu May 11, 2017 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And Out Lies

Author:  rangerp [ Thu May 11, 2017 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And Out Lies

The media knows that if they lie enough and early enough, the sheep will believe.

Do an in-depth study of that whole Trayvon Martin deal. It is one of the biggest scams the media ever pulled. Even most conservatives are fooled on much of what really happened.

Author:  CypressCritter [ Fri May 12, 2017 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Libs, The Comey Flip Flop, And Out And Out Lies

I think a Neutron bomb that only targeted liberals, lawyers, and politicians (especially the stupid ones like M. Waters). Or maybe a good old fashion purge. Now that I am for violence but these idiots that some state and their population have put in office is about to reach the limit of the good old tax paying blue collar worker. Part of the reason why Trump won was that the blue collar worker instead of going home on election and watching what fool would get elected by those that vote for a living(welfare and government leechers), actually had enough and stopped by the local voting booth and expressed their opinion.
It was not a Russian connection.
IT WAS THE id10t (Hillary) that the liberals and dems ran. The majority of the working class people have had enough..
Now the id10ts and the fools in the media and in Washington DC(Democrats mostly) are trying to, once again get the minority of the voters to think that this Comey thing was a coverup.

These same id10ts (democrats) want us to believe that they actually have a clue about what the tax payers want.

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