GOOD NEWS! - Mad Dog Mattis Halts Obama Mandate
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Author:  rangerp [ Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  GOOD NEWS! - Mad Dog Mattis Halts Obama Mandate ... nald-trump

Looks like Mad Dog Mattis just put the brakes on Obama's transgender policy for the military. It took a Marine to get things going in the proper direction.

The bad news is that we still live in a nation where the generals at the highest levels of our military quietly went along with Obama's desire to chop off soldier's penis and testicles and to let the tax payer fund it.

Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder. If a man chops off his penis and testicles, gets loaded up on testosterone blockers, he is not able to close the distance and fight with the enemy. Anyone stupid enough to think otherwise need not be in a leadership role.

Now Mattis needs to get the feminists and sodomites in his sights.

Author:  bluesky2012 [ Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: GOOD NEWS! - Mad Dog Mattis Halts Obama Mandate

I'm glad to hear he's doing that. It was a common joke that guys in the corps should identify as a lesbian female so that we could get female PFT/CFT standards but still be able to chase women.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Author:  CypressCritter [ Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: GOOD NEWS! - Mad Dog Mattis Halts Obama Mandate

The government likes of Obama and liberal id10t democrats have enabled a sickness. Several psychiatrist have said that transgenders and gays have mental issues and need treatment. But the PC fools use it to get votes.

Author:  VooDoo Daddy [ Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: GOOD NEWS! - Mad Dog Mattis Halts Obama Mandate

Great idea.

These transgenders are truly messed up, they have high rate of suicide before and after the surgery. So even surgery does not help them. So why would we want to have another problem in the military like that? All this sort of social engineering does is breakdown unit cohesion at every level and our readiness.

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