So Attorney Sydnie Powel admits it was all made up!
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Author:  dguidry [ Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  So Attorney Sydnie Powel admits it was all made up!

What a wack job of an attorney.She admitted in court today that all of the allegations of voter fraud in the presidential election were made up, had no basis in fact. Trumpsters we're suckered, no question about it. It's sad that you all were so stupid to believe it. I love saying this: I told you so.

Author:  Gigafowl [ Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So Attorney Sydnie Powel admits it was all made up!

Not quite - she only said she never alleged Dominion was an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in fraud...

Which is much different than saying there was no fraud or that others had the ability and
opportunity to commit fraud... Facts are facts - hundreds of election machines that were
certified were exposed to programming changes twice during election day in multiple
States - in violation of State election laws... They were then used again without
being certified as per State election laws... NO ONE DISPUTES THAT THIS HAPPENED
because it is a fact...

It does not prove fraud - but it does prove that State election laws were violated and
that those violations in and of themselves presented an opportunity for fraud...

Those same States also never allowed inspection of the original ballots or the verification
of validity of the original ballots... In fact those same states had far more votes than
total registered voters...

Facts are facts...

Author:  dguidry [ Wed Mar 24, 2021 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So Attorney Sydnie Powel admits it was all made up!

Author:  Gigafowl [ Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So Attorney Sydnie Powel admits it was all made up!

Sure Biden is the current President - there was massive election fraud in multiple States...

However there was insufficient verifiable data to overturn the election - mostly due to
Democratic State officials blocking the inspection of the actual ballots - blocking the
verification of the authenticity of the ballots - limiting access of witnesses to the counting
as well as the recounting process...

They got away with it !

We Understand that !

We also NEVER want to see such CORRUPTION of the American election process again !

January 6th - was far more likely plotted and planned by Antifa and Pro Democrats than
anyone else to justify the 3rd world Martial Law in place around the Capital now !

Enjoy the next year of Democratic Socialism - it will end in 2022 with the mid term elections !


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