Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic
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Author:  rangerp [ Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

This is all his doing and on his watch. The world is watching.

Author:  Gigafowl [ Mon Aug 16, 2021 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

When they abandoned the base in the middle of the night without any
notice to our allies or the Afghan government they put this Taliban on
the fast track to taking the country....

The Afghan leaders fled their posts just as the US military did !

One Month ago...

American forces left Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield over the weekend without notifying the new commander from the Kabul government — giving looters precious time to swipe anything that was not bolted down, shocking photos show.

The US announced Friday that it had vacated Bagram as part of a final withdrawal the Pentagon says will be completed by the end of August. It is Afghanistan’s largest airfield and was the hub of America’s 20-year campaign to remove the Taliban from government, track down Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda cohorts, and keep the country’s fragile elected government in place amid a Taliban resurgence.

However, they apparently forgot to tell the Afghans, cutting the electricity within 20 minutes of their departure and plunging the base into darkness. That acted as a “go” signal for teams of looters who smashed through the north gate and ransacked barracks and storage tents

Author:  Gigafowl [ Tue Aug 17, 2021 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

And just like he hid in his basement during the 1st COVID crisis, Slow Joe is hiding in his basement along with what's her name while COVID 2 overwhelms our medical system, the U.S. is run out of Afghanistan like whipped puppies, while terrorists from around the world are crossing our open borders, while inflation soars, welfare soars and we have to beg OPEC for oil.

What the heck Joe ?

Author:  Gigafowl [ Tue Aug 17, 2021 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

Chancellor Angela Merkel said the US-led NATO operation achieved less than planned, adding she shared the pain of families of soldiers killed "as it seems right now like it was all in vain".

She went on to say the operation was "the biggest debacle" in the alliance's history.

The decision was "ultimately made by the Americans", and "domestic political reasons" were partly to blame, said the chancellor, according to people in the meeting.

"The troop withdrawal sparked a domino effect" that culminated in the Taliban's return, said Merkel, whose country provided the second-biggest contingent of troops after the US.

The leader of her party had harsher words, calling the entire Afghanistan operation NATO's worst disaster.

Author:  Gigafowl [ Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

Guess what - Biden left the Taliban a fully functional military Air Force supplied by the USA....


Once the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan’s airfield in Kandahar on Friday, it didn’t take long for photos to appear on social media showing Taliban fighters posing with military helicopters such as U.S.-made Black Hawks and Soviet-made Mi-17s.

After the group took over Mazar-i-Sharif airport this weekend, more photos followed, this time of Taliban members standing next to an A-29 attack plane and MD-530 utility helicopter.

Now, with Afghanistan under Taliban control, the question is no longer whether the organization will gain access to the Afghan air force’s inventory of U.S.-provided planes and helicopters, but what it plans to do with them — and what the U.S. military can do in response.

Washington’s efforts to re-equip the Afghan military had resulted in an inventory boasting 25 A-29s, 74 MD530s and 11 Black Hawks, along with four Lockheed Martin C-130H tactical transports, 34 Cessna 208B Caravan turboprops, including armed examples, and 18 Pilatus PC-12NGs.

95 Mil Mi-8/17-series transport helicopters made up one-third of Afghanistan’s military aircraft, with eight armed Mi-24s also in its fleet, military data shows. The remainder includes 10 Bell UH-1 transports aged up to 53 years, a trio of Aerospatiale SA315 light rotorcraft and two Harbin Y-12 transports.

Author:  Gigafowl [ Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

The Taliban is now the most well armed terror organization on the planet !

Not only Air Force assets - but thousands of armored vehicles - artillery - drones - tanks
and hundreds of thousands of heavy machine guns - rocket launchers and a vast inventory
of ammunition for all of these assets....

As Joe hides out in Camp David and the White House is truely vacant ! ! !

Author:  huck Finn [ Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

The silence lately of their biggest cheerleader is Deafening!! Democrats are flailing and Failing at all Junctures . Hey Crawfish ... I told you your narrative was Failing.....

Sure could use A real American President at this Point.

H Finn

Author:  Bigbend [ Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

I can’t wait to see how he spins this…

Author:  Russ [ Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

I think he may finally be banned again. Hoping this one sticks. Too many people have left rather than ever see his posts. Lots of helpful people gone.


Author:  kib876 [ Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

I sure as hell hope so. I’m tired of seeing his stupid posts, and arguing with him is a waste of time. Most of his crap is simply to try to start an argument with someone.

Author:  Wchauvin [ Thu Aug 19, 2021 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Biden bug out in Afghanistan is catastrophic

He needs to stay banned. I almost left because of him. Got sick of the bullshit and no boat talk. I don’t have an Instagram for a reason. I don’t want bullshit. That dude needs to stay gone

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