Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?
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Author:  mudder [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

Been doing it the last few years cause it beats the caos at the launch on opener. When the weather permits I have simply pitched a tarp, but the way the weather looks this weekend thinking of my small tent and down bag.

I typically am solo as I can't find any that want to do the same.

At 59, especially this Friday with night temps in the high 30s in WI, the excitement level of solo camping doesn't feel the same, but not sure how many adventures lie in wait. And saw more birds at this spot than any other scouted. My buddy knows where I am at and I usually drop a pin to my wife.

Trying not to overload the boat and pack as light as I can. Pudgies for Friday dinner and premixed bacon and eggs at dark 30. Coleman stove in tow. As little cooking gear as I can get away with.

Any others do this? What gear, if you use a boat, do you bring with? Would love to hear anything I am not thinking about.

Be safe!!

Author:  dguidry [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

We launch at 2 am. Arrive at spot and set decoys. Then we cook sausage and egg sandwiches on a small gas burner. There are limited productive spots on the WMA we hunt so if you start any later you might as well not launch at all. We’re usually first out as the launch is only 5 mins from my camp.

Author:  Wchauvin [ Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

I launch about 45 minutes before shooting light and run to my spot. I hunt all private property though so I don’t have to beat anyone to a spot

Author:  dguidry [ Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

During big duck season we’ll have two boats so my son and his podnah will go out early to set up and I’ll join them later just before shooting time. But if I’m hunting alone like I will do during the week, I’m launching at 2:30 am. This isn’t too bad in warmer weather. But when the temp drops to near freezing I worry about mishaps that might throw me overboard with no one coming along to help behind me until after I’m hypothermic.

Author:  dead animal [ Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

i used to do all that. got tired of douchebags coming set up on me at daylight, so now i sleep in till 7 or 8 and then just go see where theducks want to be and where the other douchebags are and then setup and shoot my ducks. seems to work alot better.
one scaup ain't really getting me too excited this year.

Author:  FullChokeFowl [ Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

Author:  bluesky2012 [ Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone Else Camp at Their Spot for the Opener?

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