Learning from my lab
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Author:  quackconsumer [ Sat May 09, 2009 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Learning from my lab

Last night when my better half irritated me over sumthin stupid. I went outside to cool my head, drink a few beers, and work with da dog a little. And dat when it hit me.
Here I am teaching my dog things all da time and never once..... UNTIL NOW.... did I ever stop to think dat just maybe dis dog got sumthin he would like to teach me. This is what happened and what I learned from it.

We had just finished beer #3 and finished sum simple retrieves, when I told him to "Go Play". (I like to give him sum free time outside his kennel to play around sumtimes before picking him up.) Well while he was runnin around the back yard, I was gettin another beer out da shop. Next thing you know he spots an armadillo and runs over to check it out. What happens next is probably the most important life teaching dat I will ever learn from another
species. He sniffs it's rear end a few times gives it a curriousity lick, then turns around lifts up his leg and pisses all over it, then runs back to me.

The lesson learned is.......
If you can't screw it or eat it just piss on it and walk away.

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