Trump Phone Call to Georgia Official: Pure Extortion
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Author:  dguidry [ Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Trump Phone Call to Georgia Official: Pure Extortion

In my 40 years of practicing law I’ve represented parties on both sides of sides of extortion cases. That phone call made by T-Rump was an example of classic felony extortion....a slam duck conviction. He will pay for it eventually once President Biden’s DOJ gets up and running. It was a disgustring display of a mafia type strongman in action. All of us, Republicans included, are fortunate he will no longer be president. It was such a catastrophically failed experiment to have elected a TV personality with zero political experience. He is insane, literally. The Trump family is so disfunctional. All of them come from extreme entitlement and have absolutely zero postive core values. It is very sad indeed.

You who still support Trump should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope some day you’ll will redeem yourselves.

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